Jordan Watts' Homepage

MATH 3001 - Analysis I - Section 003 - Fall 2016

Midterm Exams

There will be 2 midterms, always on a Friday, each worth 25% for a total of 50% of your course grade. They will be 50 minutes long, taking up the whole lecture. Do not be late! Also, ensure that you have no conflicts. There will be no make-up exams for a missed midterm.


When the time ends for writing the exam, you must stop writing. When I collect the exams, you must ensure that you give me your paper at that time; otherwise, you will receive 0. Note that calculators, phones, and any other electronic device is strictly forbidden during the exam.


Plan your schedule now. There will be no make-up exams given under any circumstances.

Midterm Date Solutions
1 Sept 23, held in class Solutions
2 Nov 4, held in class Solutions

Old Exams

Below, find links to other old exams, some with solutions.