BIO 208 MICROBIOLOGY - Extra Credit Options and Schedule

Students wishing to make up for poorer than expected exams, or to boost scores, can do extra credit options to earn a maximum of 20 points added to the total course points, if the work is acceptable and meets the appropriate deadlines. Additional extra credit options must be turned in to your TA according to the schedule listed below. No more than 5 attempted extra credit points may be turned in per week. Include your name and lab section number on each submission. Extra credit opportunities that you seek out for yourself are generally worth more points than extra credit opportunities presented to you by the teaching staff.

Essays - You may write short (1-2 pages, double-spaced) essays on microbiology related topics at any time during the semester. Essays should include at least two citations to primary literature (books, journal articles), not textbooks or internet sources (although you may access articles online). Each paper submitted on time will earn up to 4 points added to the course grade, as follows:

·         4 points - good work, appropriate references.

·         2 points - basically acceptable content but marred by mechanical problems such as incorrect spelling or grammar, or lack of clarity in explaining the topic, lack of or inappropriate references,

·         0 points - unacceptable or plagiarized.

**Any evidence of plagiarism will result in zero points for all students involved and denial of any extra credit points otherwise earned in the course.

Seminar attendance - Department seminars on microbiology related topics might be presented during this semester. If so they will be posted on the schedule below and can be used for extra credit as follows:

·         2 points - attendance and a written 1 page summary of the seminar

·         0 points - display of behavior unbecoming to a professional microbiologist (and/or embarrassing to your instructor!).

Meeting attendance -

·         5 points - attendance and a written 1 paragraph summary of each of the 2 primary talks,

·         3 points - attendance only,

·         0 points - display of behavior unbecoming to a professional microbiologist (and/or embarrassing to your instructor!).

Newspaper/magazine articles - There are frequently articles concerning microbiology in newspapers and magazines, which can be used for extra credit during any week. Each submission should include an appropriate reference to the newspaper (Ex. "Area Woman Dies of Mad Cow-like Disease" Detroit Free Press, February 23, 2015) or magazine (Ex. "Why Antibiotics Fail" Parent Magazine, February 2015).

·         2 points - a written 1 paragraph summary of the article, appropriately cited.

Television programs - Often there are news segments or entire tv programs concerning microorganisms that can be used for extra credit during any week. Each submission should include a complete reference to the program (Ex. (and these are made up) "Antibiotic Resistance" Dateline March 16, 2015 or "In Search of Viruses" NOVA April 2, 2015).

·         3 points - a written 1 page summary of a TV program devoted to a microbiology related topic, appropriately cited

·         2 points - a written 1 paragraph summary of a news segment on a microbiology related topic, appropriately cited

Movies – Feature length movies with a microbiological theme can be used for extra credit. Each submission should include the title of the movie (Ex. “Outbreak”) and should discuss the microbiology presented in the movie. (Potential movies include “Outbreak”, “Miss Evers’ Boys”, “The Andromeda Strain”, “Contagion”)

·         3 points - a written 1 page summary of the microbiology presented in the movie

·         4 points – a written 2 page summary of the microbiology presented in the movie

Book reports - Visit this link for a list of books that have a heavy microbial theme.

·         5 points - good work,

·         3 points - basically acceptable content but marred by mechanical problems such as incorrect spelling or grammar, or lack of clarity in explaining the topic,

·         0 points - unacceptable or plagiarized.

**Any evidence of plagiarism will result in zero points for all students involved and denial of any extra credit points otherwise earned in the course.

Other - Additional Options other than those listed above may be made available during the semester and will be listed on the chart below. Additional Options are due to your TA by the date listed.

This schedule is subject to change

Week of

Additional Extra Credit Options

Maximum of 20 points for the semester

No more than 5 points may be attempted in any one week

Due by

noon Friday


Scavenger Hunt - 2 points



1 page summary on life & accomplishments of Dr. Carl Woese - 2 points.


Resolving Power Problems from Exercise # 3, Biology 208 Microbiology Laboratory Manual p. 23- 1 point.





1 page summary on life & accomplishments of Dr. Lynn Margulis - 2 points.


Dilution Problems from Exercise #7, Biology 208 Microbiology Laboratory Manual - 1 point



Bacteria generation time problem - 1 point - will be passed out during lecture.


Control of Microbial Growth - 2 points.










Spring Break week


View the video at this link (click on “play again”) and using the description given in your textbook pp. 249-251 to provide a good scientific background to this video (1 page) – 2 points








Attend the spring meeting of the Michigan Branch of the American Society for MicrobiologyFerris State University Saturday April 6 -- 3 points for attendance, 5 points for attendance + a 1 paragraph summary of the primary talks.



Disease Transmission – 2 points.








All extra credit must be turned in to your TA by Friday April 26 by noon.