Carl Lee's Home Page


Professor, Department of Statistics, Actuarial and Data Sciences ,  Central Michigan University


Pearce Hall #110, Central Michigan University  Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859

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Teaching is to give people HOPE

Learning is by DOING

Presentation, Haimo Award, MAA, 1/18/19



·         Interested in our GRADUATE PROGRAMS:

Ph.D. in Statistics and Analytics,

M.S. in Applied Statistics and Analytics,

Graduate Certificate in Data Mining,

Graduate Certificate Program in Actuarial Science?



·         Interested in our UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS:

B.S. in Actuarial Science Major.         Our program is a UCAP-AC actuarial science program recognized by the Society of Actuary. Our course work prepares students for four actuarial exams.

B.S. in Data Science major.                 Our Data Science major blends a foundation of core knowledge and computational skills that emphasize applications and teamwork when you major in data science at Central Michigan University. You have opportunity to also select an Analytics minor in an applied discipline such as Business , Health, Environment, Biology, Data Engineering, and so on.

B.S. in Statistics major.                    Our Statistics major cover courses in statistics and data science to prepare strong foundation and applications for working as statistician as well as data scientist.




Office Phone: (989)774-3555

RESUME (updated May 2024)

 I am a Taiwanese American, was born in Taiwan, received my undergraduate degree in the Department of Agronomy,  National Taiwan University, came to USA in 1978, Received MA in Mathematical Science from University of West Florida in 1979 and  Ph.D. in Statistics in 1984 from the Department of Statistics, Iowa State University.  I am the founding chair of the Department of Statistics, Actuarial and Data Sciences, and served as the department chair from 2019-2022. I am a Dow Chemical Six Sigma Black Belt. My current research interest are statistical distributions, modeling and applications, data science/analytics and applications, and statistical education on the effectiveness of active learning and flipped classes.


Awards, Honors and Distinctions

Beyond University:

·          2022: Distinguished Professor of the Year Award, the Michigan Association of State Universities

·          2019: The Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award for distinguished teaching award of Mathematics and whose teaching effectiveness has had significant influence beyond university, Mathematical Association of America.

·         2017: Distinguished Teaching Award, Mathematical Association of America, Michigan Section.

·         2014: The Central Michigan University Nominee for the U.S. Professors of the Year award sponsored by CASE and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of excellence in teaching and mentoring.

·         2014: The Central Michigan University Nominee for the 2014 Distinguished Professor of the Year Award, the Michigan Association of State Universities.

·         2008: Elected Fellow, American Statistical Association for outstanding contributions to statistical profession.

·          2007: First Place, the International Quality Improvement Project Competition in Education, American Society of Quality.  

          The project title: Six Sigma project for improving mathematics placement at CMU.

·         2006: Certified Six Sigma Black Belt by the Dow Chemical Company.

·         2004: Distinguished Leadership Award in the Field of Statistical Education and Applied Statistics.

·         2001: Outstanding Service Award, American Statistical Association.

·         1998: Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute.

Within University

·          2019: Founding Chair of the Department of Statistics, Actuarial and Data Sciences, Central Michigan University.

·         2016: University Distinguished Service Award, Central Michigan University

·         2016: College Outstanding Service Award, College of Science & Engineering, Central Michigan University

·         2014: College Outstanding Research Award, College of Science & Technology, Central Michigan University

·         2009: College Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Science & Technology, Central Michigan University

·         2006: University Presidential Research Award for outstanding scholarly activity achievement, Central Michigan University

Real-Time Online Database for Hands-on Activities

This NSF supported real-time hands-on activities is designed to give students opportunity to solve hands-on problems that mimic the entire process of solving real-world problems.

CAUSE Website  

An undergraduate statistics education information portal developed and managed by the Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education.

USPROC (Undergraduate Statistics Project Competition)

If your students conduct projects, this is an opportunity for them to compete and win awards.

SPSS Online Training Workshop 

Visit one of the most popular online training workshop to learn how to use SPSS for data analysis.

Job Rating in 2021

Data Scientist, Statistician Actuary, Mathematician are among the top ten best jobs.

Courses Taught

 Introductory Statistics

Elementary Statistical Analysis

Applied Statistical Methods II - Senior/Graduate

Mathematical Statistics I - Senior/Graduate

Statistical Quality Improvement - Senior/Graduate

Design of Experiments - Senior/Graduate

Statistical Programming and Data Management -Senior/graduate

Advanced Statistical Programming for Data Management and Analysis -Graduate

Introduction to Statistics - Online

Applied Statistical Method I – Senior/Graduate

Data Mining Techniques I -Senior/Graduate

Advanced Data Mining Techniques - Graduate

Teaching Philosophy

Pace Model