BIO 208 MICROBIOLOGY - Test Schedule

Schedule for Tests:

Three lecture tests will be given. The 3 lecture tests will be given during scheduled class times. Be on time! Since there is a class immediately before this one and a class immediately following you will only have the allotted class time to complete the exam. Tests will cover both lecture and laboratory material. The final exam will cover the final unit of material in the course as well as a cumulative review of important themes from the entire course.

Test 1 – Unit 1              Wed 1/30    11:00-11:50         Brooks 176

Test 2 – Unit 2              Wed 2/27    11:00-11:50         Brooks 176

Test 3 – Unit 3              Mon 4/1     11:00-11:50         Brooks 176

Final Exam                             Wed 5/1      10:00-11:50         Brooks 176

Test Makeup Policy:

Makeup tests are available only to students who have a legitimate excuse for missing an exam, such as personal illness or injury requiring a doctor’s visit, sanctioned athletic team event out of town, or death in the immediate family. If you know in advance that you must miss a test, see me in advance and bring documentation to support your anticipated absence. If you miss an exam unexpectedly because of last-minute illness or accident, contact me when you return to campus (or by phone or email if you will be away for some time) with documentation of your situation. MAKE-UP TESTS WILL BE GIVEN ONLY FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES AND ONLY ON FRIDAY OF FINALS WEEK AND AT NO OTHER TIME IN THE SEMESTER FOR ANY REASON.

Final Exam Policy:

This is the University policy on scheduling of final exams: "Students scheduled for more than two examinations on the same day may arrange to have the examination in excess of two [that means the third one of the day] rescheduled for another time during the examination week. This situation should be resolved by the instructor and student agreeing on a make-up time. The agreement should be reached as soon as possible after the situation is noticed. "Since our Final begins at 10am, I do not anticipate rescheduling a final for anyone.